Art is too important not to share. Romaro Britto
In first grade, students explore various mediums in art. They learn the fundamentals in color theory, shapes, and proper techniques in drawing and painting. First grade is all about patterns! Patterns all around us and in nature. Art lessons will explore mosaics, watercolor techniques, molding with clay. Students will learn through the masters like Sonia Delaunay, Claude Monet, Henri Matisse, and Vincent Van Gogh.
In third grade, students are introduced to concepts of symmetry and balance, along with concepts of positive and negative space, radial symmetry. Students are introduced to a variety of media and learn weaving techniques in the fall and explore color theory towards the end of the year. Students will learn from Picasso, Cezanne, and Klimt and explore multicultural art and create a Mexican Mola and begin to learn the fundamentals in perspective in drawing.
In fifth grade art, we focus on color mixing and experimenting with color theory. We are inspired by Van Gogh to create paintings utilizing the element of texture and color. Students are challenged to use mixed colors only. No color straight out of the bottle. We then strengthen our drawing, collage work, and sculpting skills when we are introduced to a Pennsylvania artist Keith Haring. Students will be working with oil pastels, and experiment with metal embossing techniques. Students will gain exposure to Multicultural art from around the world, and tie art concepts into the academic and other arts curriculum.
It is my goal to make art fun! Learning all the subjects through art is a wonderful holistic approach employed at the Allentown Arts Academy Elementary Charter School . Students become engrossed in innovative art lessons. With such fun in art, students are unaware of all the learning taking place! Students will develop a strong artistic vocabulary to communicate in visual terms, provide students with the ability to not only create masterful artwork, but to critique, explain, and interpret what makes an art piece truly successful and visually pleasing to the eye.